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I have heard many disturbing stories regarding the poke


I have heard many disturbing stories regarding the poke. I know so many people that have regretted their decision to receive it. I’ll try to make this story short….. my family, like myself have healthcare in our genes, many of us have had a difference in opinion regarding current events. I have never been an anti vaxer, but always pro knowledge. In that knowledge I know that science can take time, and even then it’s not perfect. They disagree and believe that the government wouldn’t approve anything if it was harmful, even for emergency protocol. My great aunt has been pushing her pop up clinics and pushing this poke on everyone in the family. Today I have learned that my uncle has suffered a stroke weeks after his second dose( maybe it’s related, maybe it’s not), but he was mostly healthy before. But not only him, I have found out his son (nearly 60 years old) has developed, head to toe painful, blisters days after the vaccine. No health ailments prior. She still strongly believes that it has NOTHING to do with the vaccine. 

This plandemic has created such toxicity and hate, fear and question that I feel like there are few people left in the world that do not blindly trust the political push in our health choices. I am fearful for every person, but especially my children, everyone else’s children and future children. They are pushing to have even younger children vaccinated, perhaps as even a requirement to go to school. They are pushing us for employment or college. By what I have seen, more children aged 12+ have been adversely effected by the poke than if they were to have caught this virus, yet they are making larger pushes for 12 and under. 

I am thankful for all of you on here because without you Id feel completely alone as the poke numbers are increasing, and many who have received it (in my personal experience) are becoming irate with those of us who have chose to wait for science.

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  1. Ti capisco perfettamente. Qui in Italia è un delirio. Vogliono vaccinare tutti indistintamente ed è come dici tu, i vaccinati si arrabbiano con i non vaccinati. In tutto questo caos ciò che mi spaventa di più sono le persone intorno a me. Se le persone non ascoltassero il governo, questo problema sarebbe già sparito. Ti mando un abbraccio forte e cerca di resistere a questa follia
