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Pfizer vaccine victims

 Most of our family and friends will know but unfortunately my nephew Liam took ill several weeks ago and was hospitalised. Liam took ill very quickly struggling to walk, talk, losing feeling in his face, being in a lot of pain amongst other symptoms. After lots of tests Liam was given several diagnosis possibilities, the doctors currently think that Liam has ADEM Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis where the protective coating around the nerves in his brain have been damaged. The doctors have said it is a possibility that this could have been an adverse reaction to the Covid vaccination Liam had. This isn't a post against vaccinations, my family has all taken up the opportunity to be vaccinated but unfortunately the few can have extreme reactions and there isn't the financial support out there available if this happens.

There needs to be more support and awareness out their for the few who have been so severly affected by the vaccine. Liam specifically had the Pfizer vaccine. If anyone else has been drastically affected with their health we would love for you to share your story so we can help gather information and support for those affected. 

Liam is currently unable to work and is only able to claim statutory sick pay. Unfortunately as doctors have said Liam could recover he is not able to access any further financial help.

At the moment Liams recovery is slow but he is fighting every day and we are all hopeful that Liam will be able to recover and keeping everything crossed.

Alongside this Liams fiance Carmel also had an accident at work the same time as Liam took ill which caused her to tear a ligament in her foot, Carmel has had to have an operation on her foot and is also currently unable to work for at least six weeks as she works in a Nursery.

Both Liam and Carmel have worked throughout their adult lives and never saw themselves having to be in a place where they would struggle to pay their bills and provide for their family.

Liam and Carmel have four children between them and sadly statutory sick pay does not cover the money they need to pay for rent, their car or other expenses.

We are lucky to have such a big family who are able to help physically especially helping with the care of the children but as Liam is in a place where he cannot take care of the kids especially as Florence is only one and Carmel requires physical support with the children, other family members have also had to take time off of work to help caring for Liam and the children.

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