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Sam willingly put her trust in the government and booked her 1st AZ as soon as she was called forward for i


This is one of our lovely customers Samantha Roskams. Sam willingly put her trust in the government and booked her 1st AZ as soon as she was called forward for it. She never had her second one as she almost immediatley fell ill and was hospitatlised) 

Sam is now in a wheelchair and is only in her 30's. 

This is a statement from sam herself .... 

Hi guys this is just a mild symptom ( my foot turning in ) I had gastroenteritis, severe respiratory infection, meningitis, incontinent, severe muscle cramping daily and I'm now on 300 mg a day of pregabalin to try calm my nerves which cause my body to shake constantly. I then went back into hospital with sepsis that they fought to clear and put me in a secluded room to prevent me from getting infection  from someone else. I've had 3 mri scans, ct scan, loss of feeling in right foot and leg which has spread to my left thigh. I have pins and needles in my hands and all over my body, blurred vision in my right eye along with other crap. I was a night care manager doing 12 hr shifts to having 1 life changing injection. Take your time in deciding, do not be pressured into anything and I pray to God no one else goes through this, ive gone from taking no medication at all to taking 22 tablets a day

She has been left with no ongoing care, no sympathy and no explanation. 

So when you see people posting "well i had no problems" 

My words to you is "arnt you f**king lucky" 

Sadly i am biased because 95% of people i know who have had it are having lasting problems. My own mum also is in for major surgery this friday! 

Do NOT feel backed into a corner, if you want it then you go ahead and do that and i wish you well. If you dont want it then dont let anyone tell you you must. No body gets anywhere in life my having someone dictate what you must and musnt do. 

(Sam is absolutley fine with me sharing this post)

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